Reaching out to the Lord for healing.
Asking Christ for Compassion
A Prophecy
Who’s Your First Responder?
New Word for 2016
March 24th, 2016 Word Shirley Strand received from the Holy Spirit.
Things are changing for the good of this Country and My People. A break through is here! Can you feel the change? The rocking back and forth, the mountain’s moving, people stirring and door’s opening for you on your behalf.
Let me know your prayer needs, speak them out loud and know I will answer you shortly. Your Ministry call is changing, shifting into a place where breakthroughs are normal. I will send you into strongholds and set captives free.
You will have the heartbeat for this Nation, “My Heartbeat!”
Don’t listen to the fearful words of man. I will pull their plans apart one by one until not one thing remains that pollutes the Nation.
I have a Sovereign Plan for America! She will live again and be strong.
Prosperity and healing will come to Her land! Her people “My People” will lead multitudes to Jesus Christ (My Sovereign Son). He alone will save My People. America will live again! She will rise up out of the ashes and be reborn for I have spoken it! No one will stop the plan I have for Her, says God! Don’t worry! Do not fear! Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I waved the American Flag, picked it up off the ground and caused it to wave. I’m about to pull the plan, the rug out from under the 2 dictators at the same time to show My power over their so called authority. I am fed up with the lies, false promises, keeping America in a place of complacency.
Awake O’ Israel! Awake America! Awake My People and Live Again!
Do what you are called to do
Our gifts and who we are
JUNE 27, 2015
I’m thanking you Lord for brand new beginnings in each person’s life.
I’m not finished in the earth, says the Lord, and I’m not finished in America, Prosperity is right around the corner for the final push, for the revival that will usher in the generations. With prosperity comes responsibility. Can you be responsible is what I’m asking tonight. If I give you more, can you steward it? Can you handle it? Can you enjoy it? I’ll never give you more than you can handle. That’s more than bad things. I’ll never give you more than you can handle in good things because that could turn into something bad. I will give you just what you can handle and nothing more. It would be an injustice to Me, says the Lord, for I love you and I know you put me first.
Every person in this room, God’s assured me that you love Him first. In our hearts we cry, Come, come Lord Jesus. Come into our situations. Come and take us home when it’s your perfect time. Our hearts’ cry is a love cry to the Lord. He knows that. Thank you Lord.
Take a piece of paper, when you get home, and write down your request and make it clear. It’s in my Word, just to make it clear, what I want to do in the earth and to make it clear what you want to do in the earth. And make your list and ask Me to breathe on it. And those that have wisdom, ask Me to give you a list. If you want wisdom, ask Me. If you want wealth without wisdom it will not happen. But if you want wisdom, you will have the wisdom of Solomon and even more. Ask Me and let Me open up the windows of Heaven and pour you out blessing you can’t contain, it will be so great. Don’t be afraid to ask. And know this, when you put Me first, says the Lord, everything will unfold for you, page after page after page. I will unfold to you My design for you, says the Lord. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you, That’s what He is saying tonight.
If things have gone in your life and you have ashes, take off the sackcloth of ashes and stop mourning. It’s time to dance. Put Me first in all things and know the Word of God because the truth will set you free. Do not be afraid. Fear has torment. Fear is a spirit and I have not given you a spirit of fear but I have given you power and love and a sound mind, and you’ve got to have the power, without the power you cannot do anything — the anointing, the ability to do what I have called you to do, and walk in love and have a sound mind, and stop letting man trip you up.
The Lord says you can choose tonight if you want wealth and riches only or do you want joy and peace in the Holy Ghost, and wisdom and wealth and riches. It’s a miserable thing – just wealth and riches without the Lord to be involved in, and many Christians have nothing to do with the Lord. They got saved and that’s it. But you’re not like that. You’re here tonight because you want to hear what I had to say, and there’s so much more. Pray that you are a success in the land of the living and that you prosper and that your soul prospers because He is the Good Shepherd. Thank you Lord.